30 Apr 2020
Dapto High School Works Notification

Dear parents/carers,
Planned maintenance works at Dapto High School to install LED lighting and do roofing works are on schedule for completion today. As we previously notified, these works required the removal of bonded and friable asbestos in the roof cavity and ceiling structure of Block H and K.
During these remediation works, additional material was found in the roof cavity of Block H, which is suspected to contain asbestos. Control measures are in place and further remediation works have been scheduled. Testing is currently being conducted by an independent hygienist to confirm the exact nature of the material.
As a precaution, air monitoring has been conducted and returned results below the minimum detection limit (i.e. <0.001 fibres/mL).
We have extended our program of works at Dapto High School to remove this additional material. Work will now continue through to Monday 11 May 2020. We will be putting up scaffolding around Block H to access the roof cavity and carry out remediation works. No asbestos containing material will be removed during school hours.
This material will be removed in accordance with the Department of Education’s Asbestos Management Plan and SafeWork NSW regulations. All work will be completed by licensed and accredited asbestos removalists, and monitored by occupational hygienists in strict accordance with all applicable legislation, regulations, policies and guidelines. A clearance certificate will be provided by an independent hygienist after the work is complete.
The health, safety, and well-being of the school and the local community is our highest priority. Please be assured that the removal of this material will not pose a risk to the local community.
Thank you for your cooperation during this important work.
For more information contact: School Infrastructure NSW Email: schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 1300 482 651 www.schoolinfrastructure.nsw.gov.au